Установи приложение Gett: https://b.gett.com/gettru Получай скидки на поездки по программе лояльности с первого дня! Константин Батыгин - астрофизик из Калиф...
April, 2016: Konstantin Batygin explains early planetary and orbital discoveries, and pushes further still, towards Planet Nine. Batygin is an American astronomer and Assistant Professor of Planetary Sciences at Caltech. His primary research interests lie in understanding our solar systems place within its Galactic context. He is on the 2015 Forbes list of 30 scientists under 30 who are changing the world.
"Planet Nine from Outer Space" - Konstantin Batygin, Assistant Professor of Planetary Science, Caltech Learn more about: - Konstantin Batygin's research: http://web.gps.caltech.edu/~kbatygin - 2016 - 17 Watson Lecture Series Season: https://www.caltech.edu/master-calendar/public-events-series/9281/2016-2017 - This Lecture: https://www.caltech.edu/content/konstantin-batygin-planet-nine-outer-space Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2016 California Institute of Technology
Caltech's Konstantin Batygin, an assistant professor of planetary science, and Mike Brown, the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy, discuss new research that provides evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system.
Caltech's Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin astonish themselves and the rest of the world by discovering evidence of a 9th planet in our solar system. Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin both teach and do research at Caltech. Mike is Professor of Planetary Astronomy and was named one of Wired Online's Top Ten Sexiest Geeks in 2006.
Caltech scientist Konstantin Batygin talks about finding the elusive celestial body that is believed to be orbiting on the fringes of our solar system For more: http://www.cbc.ca/1.3414268 """ Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/cbcnews?sub_confirmation=1 Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage:
Planet 9 is the biggest astronomical "discovery" of recent memory, and the process of calculating its existence is revealed with astronomer Konstantin Batygin. When speculation of a large body of mass with an usual orbital alignment was detected, astronomers took to computer simulations, mathematical equations and a call to the public to discover the small gassous giant on the fringes of our solar system.
Viewing Solar System Orbital Architecture through an Extrasolar Lens - Konstantin Batygin - SETI Talks The statistics of extrasolar planetary systems indicate that the default mode of planetary formation generates planets with orbital periods shorter than 100 days, and masses substantially exceeding that of the Earth.