current students & postdocs

Gabriele pichierri

Caltech Barr Fellow (planetary science) 2023-

Gabriele is a postdoctoral researcher at Caltech, delving into the complexities of celestial mechanics and planet formation theory. His work on hydrodynamic simulations of protoplanetary disks offers a glimpse into the early developmental stages of planetary systems and his research on orbital interactions illuminates the long-term evolution of planets. Currently, Gabriele is deeply involved in researching the dynamical structure of the outer solar system using advanced modeling techniques.


Valeria Kachmar

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2022-

Valeria is broadly interested in the physics of planetary formation and evolution and the (re)cycle of planet-building materials – how do we go from dust to planets of diverse compositions and structures? Which environments are favorable for planetary formation? Currently, she is working on the century-old problem of white dwarf pollution.


Ian brunton

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2023-

Ian is gratefully humbled by the influence of astrophysical phenomena on our planet and the Solar System. In his previous work, he examined the deleterious effects imposed by supernovae on Earth’s biosphere. He now is focusing on the physical processes that govern the dynamics of our Solar System, while maintaining a distinct appreciation for the surrounding interstellar environment.


Teng Ee (Tony) YAP

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2022-

Tony obtained his B.A. in Astrogeophysics from Colgate University before joining Caltech in 2022. Passionate about understanding the intricacies of the early Solar System, Tony’s work lies the intersection of isotope cosmochemistry and planetary astrophysics. In parallel with his work on nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies, Tony is working on developing a self-consistent model for dust-gas interactions in protoplanetary disks, fully accounting for evolution driven by to turbulent viscosity and magnetic winds. Through his work, Tony hopes to offer new perspectives on the nature and origin of planets, including our own.


Jon Zink

Caltech Hubble Fellow (astronomy/planetary science) 2021-

Jon is using the population of planets around other stars to understand the physical processes that dictate planet formation. To accomplish this goal he is using the K2 mission data to extract a homogenous catalog of transiting planets. This wide survey of the ecliptic plane enables examination of the stellar host’s role in these formation mechanisms. He is also interested in understanding the origins and fatality of the solar system, using numerical simulations to constrain the solar birth cluster and the mechanisms responsible for the system’s demise.


Arnav Das

Caltech undergraduate student (physics) 2021 -

Arnav is broadly interested in orbital dynamics and chaos, as well as cosmology. He is currently exploring the long-term evolution and collective phenomena associated with self-gravitating particle disks. In a recent paper, he demonstrated how of Neptune scattering suppresses the onset of the inclination instability in the outer solar system.

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Matthew Belyakov

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2021 -

Matthew is interested in all things Solar System, including detection, spectroscopy, as well as population studies of outer Solar System Objects, and how these can inform theories on the evolution of planetary systems. His current project revolves around expanding on the theoretical model for the perihelion boundary of stability for Kuiper Belt Objects.


Dennis Raush

Caltech undergraduate student (astrophysics) 2020 -

Dennis is interested in most aspects of computational astrophysics. In the past, he studied the impact of several dark matter theories on population III star formation as well as how supernovae disperse metals and impact the formation of the first galaxies. More recently, he has been researching the effect that an early solar binary would have on the formation of the early Solar System.

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MAX Goldberg

Caltech graduate student (astrophysics) 2019-

Max is broadly interested in the formation and evolution of extrasolar planetary systems. His current projects include the development of a theoretical description for the emergence of intra-system uniformity of exoplanets, as well as a study of long-term tidal evolution in nearly-resonant short-period systems. Max’s previous work considered how masses derived from Kepler transit timing variations could be improved with additional data from the TESS spacecraft. In a recent paper, Max identified the first pure 3-body resonance in the exoplanetary census. Max is now working to quantify the physical processes that shape the architectures of short-period sub-Jovian planets.

Max has recently accepted a postdoctoral position at Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur.

former students & postdocs


Juliette C. Becker

Caltech 51 Pegasi b postdoc (planetary science/astrophysics) 2019-2023

Juliette is a Heising-Seimons Foundation 51 Pegasi b Fellow at Caltech. Her interests range from dynamical characterization of extrasolar planets to discovery of minor bodies in the distant solar system. Together, we are working to understand how the birth environments of planetary systems affects their final dynamical architecture. In this vein, Juliette has recently proposed that Ultra-Short-Period planets are created during FU-Orionis type episodic accretion events. Her full list of publications is available here.

In August of ‘23, Juliette joined the faculty at University of Wisconsin, Madison.


Julie inglis

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2020 -

Julie’s research interests are using spectroscopy to characterize the atmospheres of giant planets in order to gain insight into their formation and evolution. Julie is also interested in the formation of satellites around giant planets and their properties.


Ryleigh Davis

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2020 -

Ryleigh has a wide range of research interests from telescopic observations and laboratory work on icy moons to the dynamics and evolution of planetary systems. Her current project focuses on examining tidal dissipation in super-Earths through modeling of planetary systems with significant non-Newtonian contributions to the apsidal precession.


Darryl Seligman

University of Chicago TC Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellow (Geophysical Sciences)

Darryl received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 2020, where he worked with Gregory Laughlin and was a Gruber Fellow. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2015, with degrees in mathematics and physics. He primarily studies theoretical and computational planetary science and astrophysics. He is generally interested in fluid dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, plasma physics and neuroscience.


Kellen Rodriguez

Caltech undergraduate student (computer science) 2021 - 2022

Kellen is a senior undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science, as well as Business, Economics, and Management, with a minor in Astrophysics. To date, Kellen has done research in bioengineering where he worked on molecular programming and DNA nanotechnology. He is broadly interested in the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems.


Marvin Morgan

University of Pennsylvania undergraduate student (physics) 2020 - 2021

As a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, Marvin worked on planetary dynamics of the early solar system in the context of the Nice Model. Using N-body simulations we showed how massive planetary embryos can form in the primordial disk of solar system planetesimals, thereby constraining the timing of the giant planet instability. He is broadly interested in solar system dynamics, exo-planetary dynamics, and time domain astronomy. Marvin is now pursuing a Ph.D. at University of Texas in Austin.


Marguerite Epstein-Martin

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2019-

Marguerite is interested in a broad spectrum of problems, ranging from the dynamical structure of the distant solar system to the interactions between young stars and the protoplanetary nebulae that encircle them. Her current project is aimed at quantifying the emergence of nonlinear resonances and chaos in externally perturbed circumstellar disks.


Walker Melton

Caltech undergraduate student (physics) 2015-2019

As an undergraduate researcher, Walker worked on understanding a correspondence between the secular inclination evolution of razor-thin self-gravitating particle disks and the Schrödinger equation, particularly in the case where long-range coupling in the disk could not be ignored (see published paper here).  Walker is currently pursuing a PhD at Harvard studying celestial conformal field theories and the holographic structure of quantum gravity in asymptotically flat and de-Sitter spacetimes. 


Tobias Koehne

Caltech graduate student (geophysics) 2018-2020

Tobias’ interests primarily lie in applying machine learning methods to seismology. However, during his first year as a graduate student, Tobias worked on delineating how highly inclined trans-Neptunian objects can get injected into the intra-Neptunian solar system, employing large-scale numerical simulations (see published paper here).

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Shirui Peng

Caltech graduate student (environmental science and engineering) 2019-2020

Shirui’s interests range from seismic ocean thermometry to computational studies of planet formation. Shirui carried out a series of numerical experiments aimed at characterizing the velocity dispersion of planetary building blocks on a detailed level, with an eye towards teasing out aspects of oligarchic growth that can be attributed to simulation artifacts. Shirui’s work showed that even in simulations where self-gravity of a planetesimal swarm is completely suppressed, particle disk excitation can ensue through indirect terms of the governing Hamiltonian.


Elizabeth Bailey

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2014-2020

Elizabeth first began working with me in 2016. In the first paper she led, she demonstrated that the ~6 degree obliquity of the Sun could in principle have been induced by the gravitational influence of Planet Nine. In her follow-up work, she considered whether or not constraints on Planet Nine’s current on-sky location could be derived from the observational data. Unfortunately, her simulations demonstrated that chaos spoils the feasibility of a resonance-based hunt for Planet Nine. In the latter half of her Ph.D., Elizabeth worked on the now-classic problem of hot Jupiter formation. In this vein, her work has shown that within the framework of the in-situ formation model, the inner boundary of the mass vs. semi-major axis distribution of extrasolar planets should follow a power-law with index -2/7. Intriguingly, this theoretical relationship provides an excellent match to the observational data. In the summer of 2020, Elizabeth will be joining the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at UCSC (my alma mater; go slugs!) at as Heising-Seimons Foundation 51 Pegasi b Fellow.


Chris spalding

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2013-2018

While at Caltech, Chris led the development of a theory for the primordial excitation of spin-orbit misalignments in close-in planetary systems. Chris’s work has shown that the entire possible range of misalignments is attainable within the context of the purely gravitational disk-torquing mechanism, and that magnetic disk-star interactions may facilitate the observed correlation between stellar mass and spin-orbit misalignment. Chris has also investigated the connection between physics of disk-star coupling during the embedded phase of star formation and primordial coincidence between stellar and nebular angular momentum vectors, as well as the long-term fate of exo-moons and the origins of the Kepler dichotomy. In 2018, Chris was awarded the 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Heising Simons Foundation, which he took to Yale University.


Maya Fuller

Caltech undergraduate student (astrophysics) 2017-2018

As an undergraduate research fellow, Maya carried out a numerical exploration of the implantation of short-period icy objects into the distant Kuiper belt by Neptune-facilitated outward scattering. Through direct N-body simulations, her work demonstrated that a considerable fraction of presently observed long-period Kuiper belt objects that exhibit rapid chaotic evolution may have been implanted into the distant domain of the solar system comparatively recently (i.e. within the last few hundreds of millions of years), and thus occupy orbits that are largely unaffected by the gravitational effects of putative Planet Nine.


Siteng Fan

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2015-2020

Taking advantage of the inherently parallel-computational nature of graphic processing units, Siteng carried out a large suite of self-consistent N-body simulations of the solar system's early dynamical evolution. Our simulations showed that the qualitative picture entailed by the Nice model is insensitive to collective effects of the planetesimal disk and that the coherent structure the distant Kuiper belt is unlikely to have a self-gravitational origin.



Caltech undergraduate WAVE fellow (planetary science) 2017

The goal of the research project that Tali undertook was to characterize the evolutionary dependence of the solar system’s trans-Neptunian minor body population on the solar system’s birth environment. In particular, it is widely accepted that the sun and its collection of planets formed in a massive cluster of stars, whose gravitational influence would have had a direct effect upon the distant orbits of icy debris that orbit the sun. To evaluate this effect from quantitative grounds, Tali carried out a series of large-scale computer simulations that elucidated how nascent perturbations upon the solar system from passing stars translate to the dynamical structure of the Kuiper belt we observe today. Tali is now pursuing a graduate degree at University of Chicago.


Natalia Storch

Caltech Burke postdoctoral fellow (astronomy) 2015-2018

Natalia was a Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar in Theoretical Astrophysics at Caltech’s Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics. Natalia’s work focused on the long-term evolution of extrasolar planetary systems as well as the chaotic dynamics of stellar rotation (see also here). Together, we worked on characterizing a new mode of disk-driven planetary migration, as well as modeling the final stages of planet formation in the solar system. Natalia is now pursuing her life-long passion for write fantasy and sci-fi novels.


Abhijit Puranam

Caltech undergraduate student (physics) 2014-2017

As an undergraduate research fellow, Abhi was studying the long-term implications of rapid chaotic evolution of planetary systems, using the emblematic Gliese 876 planetary system as a case study. His analysis involved a combination of large-scale numerical N-body simulations and perturbative treatment of stochastic differential equations. Abhi now works as a data scientist in Silicon Valley.


Bhawna (mia) Motwani

Caltech graduate student (astrophysics) 2015-2017

While at Caltech, Bhawna studied the physics of planetary migration that occurs during the nebular stage of a planetary system’s lifetime. She employed large-scale magnetohydrodynamical simulations to model the early stages of the solar system’s evolution, with an eye towards constraining the amplitude of turbulent fluctuations within the solar system’s natal disk.

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Stephen Markham

Caltech graduate student (planetary science) 2016

When Steve was a first-year graduate student, he and I worked on deriving model-independent constraints on the rates of radial migration of planets in protoplanetary disks. Unlike the conventional approach of modeling this process directly, Steve looked at indirect consequences of radial migration, to obtain observationally gounded estimates of this elusive process.


Katherine Deck

Caltech JCPA fellow (planetary science/astronomy) 2014-2016 

Kat is an expert in the field of orbital dynamics and a postdoctoral fellow at the Joint Center for Planetary Astronomy at Caltech. She has worked on extracting subtle signatures of planet-planet interactions from transit timing variations data, and has instigated a description of how planetary systems evolve from their natal configurations to the architectures we observe today. Kat is now pursuing a new passion for data science outside of academia.


Gongjie Li

Harvard graduate student (astrophysics) 2012-2014

Gongjie has revisited the now classic problem of chaotic spin-axis evolution of a putative Moon-less Earth. In doing so, she formulated a purely analytical framework that allowed for an estimation of the characteristic timescale for dynamically-forced climate change and gave an intuitive interpretation of numerical results. Gongjie has extended her results with an aim of quantifying pre-late-heavy-bombardment evolution of the Earth’s obliquity. Gongjie is now an assistant professor of physics at Georgia Tech.


Juliette Becker

Caltech undergraduate student (astronomy) 2011-2013

Juliette and I worked on understanding the coupling between the planetary interior structure and the orbital state that arises for giant planets that reside in extreme proximity to their host stars. Using the HAT-P-13 system as an illustrative example, Juliette showed that in multi-planet systems that harbor a hot Jupiter, precise characterization of the system's orbital state can yield meaningful constraints on the transiting planet's interior structure, and such a calculation is applicable to an extensive range of orbital architectures. After completing her undergraduate degree, Juliette went on to pursue a Ph.D. in Astronomy at University of Michigan.


Hayden Betts

Polytechnic High School student, summer 2011

Along with Mike Brown and myself, Hayden worked on quantifying the possibility of the existence of an additional ice giant planet in the primordial Solar System. Our study included a large-scale numerical exploration of instability-driven dynamical evolution and showed that indeed, the Solar System may have harbored an additional massive object early on. Our findings were published here. Upon graduating from high school, Hayden enrolled into Harvard University as an undergraduate.